Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Body of Christ - Part 2 - Those in Need

Dear Reader,

Today we continue our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We need to hold those of us up that are forlorn and in trying times.  We all go through times when times are bad and the enemy seems to have us by the neck.  Brush those off!  Rebuke the evil one!  Pray for those that feel they are too weak to go on.  Pray that the love of God consumes them.  Reach out to those around you and be the vessel God uses to bring the Light into the darkness.  Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are covered in the blood of Jesus.  Thank you.

Dear God,

There are brothers and sisters who are being beaten down with enemy attacks who are struggling to hold on to their faith.  There are these of your children scattered all around the globe who have forgotten what Your voice sounds like.  They are young and old. They are Your body. 

It may be the world’s economy has failed them, their health may seem to be getting worse instead of better, or the despicable crimes, especially against women and children seem to have taken all the joy from their lives.  They may have lost their best friend through disagreement, or their loved one or even their pet through death.  They are forlorn.  They feel they have cried out to You and You didn’t listen, or You didn’t stop the atrocities from happening.

Lord, I hold these brothers and sisters up to You today in their time of sorrow and need, and I ask You to open their eyes and give them new revelation! Please reach deep inside their heart and fill the void with Your love.  Let them once again feel the warmth of Your deep concern for them.  Let there be an enlightening in their hearts and souls as they come to realize that Your love and grace is still there and is protecting them. 

Please send them a messenger.  Send a laborer that they will listen to, someone to whom You have given the gift of encouragement, someone who will listen and hug, and pray for them.  I thank You, Father, that our family, Your body, is everywhere!  One doesn’t have to travel too far to find someone who will befriend them and pray and hold them in their hearts, as I do today.  I give You thanks, Father God, for these brothers and sisters that I hold up today in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior.  Amen.
“The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.”  Isaiah 50:4 NKJV

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